From Winnfield, take US84 West 17.8 miles to the destination.

The Kisatchie National Forest’s Winn Ranger District encompasses 164,000 acres of natural areas in Winn, Natchitoches, and Grant Parishes. The District manages the site's two large recreational complexes, Gum Springs and Cloud Crossing. 

Birding this massive mixed pine-hardwood/bottomland hardwood site offers looks at many deep-woods species, such as Wild Turkey and Red-shouldered Hawk. Woodland songbirds include the likes of the Acadian Flycatcher, White-breasted and Brown-headed Nuthatches, and Gray Catbird, along with the endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker and the elusive Bachman's Sparrow. 

Birds commonly found along Saline Bayou include Wood Duck, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Little Blue Heron, and Belted Kingfisher. During winter, the year-round bird community is augmented by nearctic species such as Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Eastern Phoebe, Blue-headed Vireo, Brown Creeper, Winter Wren, and Hermit Thrush. In addition, birding and botanic enthusiasts have many more areas to explore, including several native prairies. 

Visitors to the Winn Ranger District can enjoy camping and picnicking at Gum Springs and Cloud Crossing Campgrounds, horseback riding on the Gum Springs Horse Trail, fishing or paddling in Saline Bayou, hunting in the Catahoula National Wildlife Management Preserve, or hiking/birding on the Dogwood Interpretive Trail. 

The Gum Springs and Cloud Crossing day-use areas offer parking, restrooms, water fountains, and showers. This site is not handicapped-accessible. 
