Dewey W. Wills WMA is located approximately 20 miles northeast of Alexandria. The area is easily accessible via LA Hwy 28 East. The interior of the WMA has a network of all-weather roads that provide vehicular access.

Dewey W. Wills Wildlife Management Area focuses on wildlife habitat and outdoor recreation. The primary habitat type is bottomland hardwood forest that periodically floods. Many species of woodpeckers, flycatchers, vireos, wrens, thrushes, warblers, and other songbirds utilize these woodlands for nesting, migration, and wintering. 

Lower-lying areas grade into freshwater marsh habitats containing cattail, irises, bulrush, and other wetland sedges and grasses. The freshwater marsh habitat is perfect for foraging wading birds and nesting habitat for Green Heron, Marsh Wren, Common Yellowthroat, and Red-winged Blackbirds. 

A large moist soil management impoundment can be seasonally excellent for observing waterfowl, wading birds, and other waterbirds such as American Coot, Forster’s Tern, Double-crested Cormorant, and American White Pelican. 

This site is large, with miles of improved and unimproved roads to travel and wander. The most commonly used entry point is off of LA Hwy 28E. There are many ATV/hunting trail locations throughout the site. Five boat launches provide paddling/boating access to various lakes, bayous, and canals. 

Primary outdoor recreational uses include hunting, commercial and sport fishing, birding, hiking, paddling, and nature photography. 

Amenities include good access roads, directional/identification signage, the WMA headquarters, five boat launches, and numerous nature/ATV trails. It’s generally not handicapped-accessible, although the site does offer a special hunting season for physically-challenged individuals.
