From I-10, take Exit 104 (Louisiana Ave.). Go south on Louisiana Ave, towards Lafayette. Go to East Alexander Street and turn left. Go to the "Acadiana Park Campground and Nature Station" sign at Campground Road and turn left (campground road is just before Acadiana Park playground equipment). Park at Nature Station trail head on right (just before the campground office) then walk down the nature trail to the Nature Station. Or drive down to the station in the park and roll up the ramp to the center.

This 150-acre interpretive center and nature trail system sit on the northern edge of Acadiana Park in Lafayette. About 180 bird species have been recorded here. Both spring and fall migration periods are especially active, with woodland songbirds passing through daily. All of the eastern U.S. vireos, thrushes, orioles, tanagers, and over 30 species of warblers, among others, have been recorded from this site. Several species of flycatchers, vireos, and warblers nest here.

Forests are fully mature and feature large specimens of oak, pecan, sweetgum, and black cherry. Year-round residents include several species of woodpecker, Carolina Chickadee, and Tufted Titmouse. During the fall and winter, they are joined by a wide variety of nearctic species, including Eastern Phoebe, Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglets, and Orange-crowned, Pine, and Yellow-rumped Warblers.

The trail system is bisected by Francois Coulee and bordered on the east by Bayou Vermilion. Commonly encountered waterbirds include Wood Duck, Double-crested and Neotropic Cormorants, and wading birds, including herons, egrets, and Roseate Spoonbill.

The trail system winds through the mature loess-terrace forest, bottomland hardwood forest, and slivers of cypress swamp and streamside forests. A little more than half a mile the trail system is a boardwalk, and the Nature Station is fully handicapped-accessible. A canoe/kayak launch is available to access nearby Bayou Vermilion. Other amenities and activities at Acadiana Park include camping, disc golf, tennis, mountain biking, and picnicking.



Parks & Nature
Visitors Center/Nature Center