St. Louis Canal Boat Launch, Pointe Aux Chenes

Located in the wet and wild tidelands about 15 miles southeast of Houma, Pointe-aux-Chenes Wildlife Management Area encompasses marsh habitat interspersed with numerous ponds, bayous, and canals. Throughout the site, the only woody vegetation existing is limited to trees and shrubs on the WMA’s Point Farm Unit and on the slightly elevated banks of natural bayous and older oil and gas access canals.

Driving through the Klondyke neighborhood en route to the WMA, continue straight on Highway 55. Drive a few miles to Highway 665 ( Point Aux Chenes Road). This winding road is a good place to begin the birding day. Ponds on the left side of the road are filled with large numbers of wading birds during summer, and waterfowl, rails, and other waterbirds in fall/winter/spring. This is also an excellent waterfowl resting/foraging area and is often filled with waterbirds such as Double-crested Cormorant and American White Pelican. Don’t forget to scan the treetops and skies for Osprey, Bald Eagle, and other raptors. 

Upon arriving at the St. Louis Canal parking area, you’ll note the launch is located to the left at the north end of the lot. A site map and self-clearing permit station kiosk is located there as well. 

A mowed grass levee leads from the parking area to an observation tower, with the St. Louis Canal on the left and marsh on the right. Views along the levee are excellent. Look for seabirds such as Brown Pelican, Laughing and Ring-billed Gulls, Forster’s, Caspian, and Royal Terns, among others, using the canal to commute to and from feeding and loafing/roosting areas. 

In the marshes, scan the ponds and open water for wading birds when the tide is in, and shorebirds when the tide is out and mudflats are exposed. Spotting scope/tripod is strongly recommended for this. 

The levee is lined with seaside goldenrod, verbena, groundsel bush, and lantana, along with a few live oaks and hackberries. Look for passerine species here and in the adjacent marsh grasses. These might include Marsh and Sedge Wrens, Song, White-crowned, and Swamp Sparrows, and Common Yellowthroat, among others.

Pointe-Aux-Chenes WMA’s St. Louis Canal Boat Launch is the site’s most popular access point for hunters, fishermen, and kayakers. It also features a primitive hiking trail on the levee running along the St. Louis Canal, providing excellent views into the surrounding ponds and marshes for non-boating visitors.

Viewing Platform/Observation Blind