Bayou Segnette State Park is located just southwest of New Orleans on the Mississippi River. It hosts low-lying bottomland forests, freshwater cypress swamps, and brackish marsh, a combination of habitats providing for numerous species of plants, animals, and birds. 

Waterfowl, including duck species like Blue-winged Teal, Northern Shoveler, American Wigeon, Gadwall, and Common Goldeneye, are common winter birds in the marshes. Wading birds, including Least Bittern, Snowy and Reddish Egrets, Tricolored, Little Blue and Green Herons, Black-crowned and Yellow-crowned Night-Herons, and White Ibis, use swamp and marsh habitats. 

Additional marsh dwellers include American White and Brown Pelicans, Least and Gull-billed Terns, Laughing, Ring-billed, and Herring Gulls, and Double-crested and Neotropic Cormorants, among others. 

Primary trees throughout the trails include bald cypress, hackberry, red maple, and oaks. The forest understory along canal edges is often dense with privet and elderberry, providing nice cover for Carolina Chickadee, Northern Cardinal, Carolina Wren, and White-eyed Vireo. During the winter months, numerous species of thicket-loving Nearctic sparrows, wrens, and others pile in. 

Large tree-studded park-like lawns and picnicking/playground areas are used by Merlin, American Kestrel, Olive-sided Flycatcher (August), Eastern Phoebe and Eastern Kingbird, along with Monk Parakeet, Eastern Bluebird, American Pipit, and House Finch. Thus far, this relatively small site has yielded 176 bird species. 

Amenities include campsites, cabins, a boat launch, paved parking, restrooms/water, and nearly three miles of nature trails including boardwalks on portions. Besides camping and hiking, other outdoor recreational opportunities include picnicking, biking, paddling, fishing, and nature photography. The site is partially handicapped-accessible. 

Parks & Nature
Visitors Center/Nature Center