LA 182W, 2.5 miles, right Spanish Lake Rd., 0.1 mile

The Spanish Lake complex encompasses bottomland hardwood forest, cypress swamp, and open water habitats. This is a fairly large lake with some islands in the middle, so a spotting scope/tripod is recommended for optimal viewing. 

Common seabirds and raptors in and around the lake include Forster’s Tern, Laughing, Franklin’s, and Gull-billed Terns, along with Osprey, Bald Eagle, American Kestrel, Red-shouldered and Red-tailed Hawks.

Waterfowl species such as Wood Duck, Blue-winged and Green-winged Teal, and Pied-billed Grebe are common winter residents. During the warm months, Chimney Swift, Barn, and Cliff Swallows cruise the lake’s open waters. These are augmented by Northern Rough-winged, Bank, and Cave Swallows in fall migration, and by Tree Swallow in winter.

The lake’s outer perimeter consists of mixed bottomland hardwoods, black willow stands, and emergent marsh. Common lake edge waterbirds include Anhinga and numerous species of wading birds. Along the lake’s marshy pockets, look for Marsh Wren, Spotted Sandpiper, and Least Bittern, among others.

Forest songbird species to look for on the outer perimeter woods include Red-bellied and Downy Woodpeckers, White-eyed Vireo, and Gray Catbird, along with White-throated, Song, and Swamp Sparrows (winter), and warbler species such as Common Yellowthroat, Prothonotary, American Redstart, Yellow, and Northern Waterthrush. The raised perimeter road is gravel and wide enough to pull over on the shoulder. Several small docks and viewpoints extend out into the lake itself.

Spanish Lake was named for the Spanish settlers who lived along its banks. At the entrance to the lake’s perimeter road, a small kiosk near the porta-potties displays a map of Spanish Lake and the perimeter road. Also at the entrance is a small tackle shop where bait, cold drinks, and snacks are sold. 

Typical outdoor activities include hiking/biking, birding, fishing, paddling, and nature photography. Partially handicapped-accessible.

Gravel Trails
Parks & Nature