Off Highway 70 across from Lake End Park.

Situated directly across from Lake End Park on the western edge of Lake Palourde, this site overlooks the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, an inland water conduit stretching from Massachusetts to Texas. 

This site offers panoramic views of the great Atchafalaya Basin at its juncture with the Intracoastal Waterway. Waterbird traffic is always high, as they utilize this waterway as an easy way to get from Point A to Point B. There's no telling what sorts of flyovers will occur here at any given moment -- especially during migration periods and the winter months. During those periods, look for waterfowl, grebes, cormorants, pelicans and other seabirds, loons, swallows, and raptors like Osprey and Bald Eagle. They densely populate this area between September and May. Most wading bird species are year round here, and will be seen in the air or along the shoreline on any given day. 

When water levels are low in the Atchafalaya Basin, mudflats are exposed on the southern shore of the waterway across from the boat launch. When this occurs, birders will certainly want to scope the mudflats for shorebirds and loafing seabirds. 

There are two small black willow woodlots at the site. These are worth investigating during migration months, as many species of migratory songbirds, such as sparrows, orioles, warblers, and buntings, are attracted to willows.

Gravel Trails