Jefferson Island Rip Van Winkle Gardens - Rip's Rookery

LA 14E, 10 miles, right on Rip Van Winkle Rd., 1 mile, on left

A curious geological phenomenon exists within the coastal zone of Louisiana's southern interior. Here, deep underground salt domes have protruded up through the surface of the surrounding marshlands, forming large forested domes up to 150 feet in elevation. Locals refer to these formations as ""islands,"" with Jefferson Island being one of the most accessible. Nestled against Lake Peigneur, Jefferson Island is home to Rip Van Winkle Gardens and a 15-acre cypress-filled artificial impoundment known as Rip’s Rookery, specifically designed to attract nesting waterbirds–especially wading birds.

The impoundment is surrounded by a mown path that birders may use to gain various views of the bird life. Be aware that this path is occasionally shared by water snakes and/or alligators, appreciated by naturalists, but feared by the uninitiated. All hikers should proceed with due caution.

Rip’s Rookery is a complex of ponds lined with marsh vegetation, swampy black willow stands, and bottomland hardwood tree species. Several islands exist, populated with bald cypress and black willow – good wading bird rookery habitat. Each spring, birders and wildlife photographers gather here to observe the various species of herons, egrets, and allies that use the impoundments. Of these, the most common include Great Blue, Little Blue, Tricolored, and Green Herons, Great, Snowy, and Cattle Egrets, Black-crowned Night-Heron, White Ibis, and Roseate Spoonbill.

Many other waterbirds of interest use this complex, including several waterfowl species.  Common Gallinule, American Coot, Wilson’s Snipe and Spotted Sandpiper, Anhinga, and numerous seabirds such as Bonaparte’s, Laughing, Ring-billed, and Herring Gulls and Caspian, Forster’s, and Royal Terns are regular visitors year-round.

The perimeter trees hold year-round songbird populations. Residents include White-eyed Vireo, Carolina Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Wren, Red-winged Blackbird, and Northern Cardinal. Common neotropical nesting and migratory species include Purple Martin, Barn Swallow, Marsh Wren, Chipping, White-throated, and Swamp Sparrows, and Prothonotary, Common Yellowthroat, and Northern Parula Warblers.

Rip's Rookery offers a small mown parking area and perimeter path, with no additional amenities. Restrooms/water, improved parking, and more can be found at nearby Rip Van Winkle Gardens. That site also features an historic home and gardens, a restaurant and rental cabins.

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