The park is easily accessed from Interstate 10. From I-10, take the Highland Road Exit (Exit 166) and travel southwest on Highland Road. The park has multiple entrances located on both sides of Highland Road, approximately 3 miles from Exit 166.

Highland Road Community Park's scenic landscape makes it a popular stop for Baton Rouge-area birders. Just over 150 bird species have been recorded at this park. 

The action heats up during spring migration. That’s when a surprising number of shorebirds, including Least, Pectoral, Solitary Sandpipers, along with wading birds such as Little Blue and Green Herons, and Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, appear. Red-headed Woodpeckers, a declining species throughout Louisiana, still make regular spring appearances here. Hairy Woodpecker, another less frequently observed woodpecker, is fairly common here most of the year. 

Look for Broad-winged Hawk, Swallow-tailed and Mississippi Kites in April and May, More than 20 warbler species appear here in spring and fall, and Prothonotary Warbler nests here. Sharp-shinned Hawk, Bald Eagle, and nine sparrow species have been recorded during the winter. 

There are two primitive hiking trails at this site. One runs through the patch of forest between the observatory and Highland Road, and the other between the observatory and Bayou Fountain. The trails are marked with directional signage, but both are primitive dirt paths. During periods of rain, trails require waterproof footwear to keep feet dry. 

Amenities include a Blueway launch that gives paddlers access to the bayou, ample parking, and the Highland Road Park Observatory, equipped with a 20-inch reflecting telescope, which offers weekly astronomy programs. Note that there are no bathrooms at the nature trail section of the park, but there is plenty of parking, and a trail kiosk/map with brochures is located at the trailhead. The site is partially handicapped-accessible. Besides birding, additional family-friendly outdoor recreational opportunities include canoeing/kayaking, educational programs, hiking, and fishing. 

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