From US Hwy 65 at Lake Providence, drive 3.8 miles west. Main parking lot with check-in is on the left (south) side of the highway. From the Bayou Macon Bridge on Hwy 2 between West and East Carroll Parishes, drive 3.0 miles east.

Bayou Macon Wildlife Management Area forms one of the largest remaining tracts of bottomland hardwood forest. At one time, the forest spanned the entire lower Mississippi River floodplain from lower Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico. Today, the forest and Brushy and Buck Bayous meld together to create an inviting habitat for various bird species. A total of 132 species have been recorded here to date. 

Commonly encountered forest birds include Broad-winged and Red-shouldered Hawks, Barred and Eastern Screech Owls, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Eastern Phoebe, Acadian and Great-crested Flycatchers. Seasonally, this site hosts several species each of vireos and thrushes, along with Winter Wren, Rusty Blackbird, and over 30 warbler species. 

Look in the dense vine and briar thickets for Carolina Wren, Gray Catbird, and White-throated, Song and Swamp Sparrows. During the northward spring migration, dozens of neotropical migrants and passerine birds visit the area. 

Three trails into the site can be accessed from the parking area. ATV trails are located throughout the wildlife management area, with at least one trail labeled a wildlife viewing trail. Recreational crawfishing and frogging are popular on Bayou Macon. You’ll also see lots of white-tailed deer, squirrels, rabbits, beavers, and other native furbearers. This location has no amenities except for identification signage and gravel parking. 

Gravel Trails